

  • First you download the zip file from
  • After that you extract it and open the folder.
  • Now, there are 3 files of interest to you, you will want to keep these files possibly backed up, because they contain the configuration and all of you data. No data are being kept on any servers, nothing is synchronized with the cloud, you own all of your data. Everything runs locally.
    • taotime.exe - the app launcher. You can also launch it from the command line and provide it two basic parameters.
    • taotime.sqlite - the database that holds all of your data. It's a basic SQL database, so you can open it in any sqlite database viewer if you wish to see the raw data. This file is very important, so back it up ever so often.
    • config - controls the behaviour of taotime and you can use it to tweak taotime to your liking. More on configuration here.


You can also run TaoTime from the command line with command line parameters. If you want to use your own database, specify it in the cmd arguments.

First argument is the connection string

  • example: taotime.exe sqlite:///D:/Projects/2020/export/taotimeDB.sqlite

If you are doing this for the first time and want to initialize/purge the database to a clean structure then use a second argument --init

  • example: taotime.exe sqlite:///taotime_db_created_in_same_folder_as_the_app.sqlite --init

When ran without parameters, TaoTime will use the default database taotime.sqlite.

Running TaoTime on other operating systems

TaoTime is not cross-platform, you can run it only as a windows executable. That said, nothing is stopping your from running it on Linux or MacOS, because there are fairly advanced emulators like wine. Wine is able to run games, so a simple app like TaoTime will run without a problem.

Just install wine and run TaoTime in it.

Installation on Linux (package manager is distro dependent)

apt install wine

Installation on MacOS

brew install --cask wine-stable

Running TaoTime

wine taotime.exe