This page contains the official documentation for the configuration of the TaoTime software.
You can find the config file in the root folder next to taotime.exe. It's a normal text file, so open it in a text editor of your choice (can be windows notepad, sublime, atom...)
Each section of the config file is commented inside the config file, but I am aware that the comments can be a bit overwhelming and make the config file somewhat clunky. So, this documentation contains only the minimal barebones config file, below. And each part of the config file is descibed in detail.
Available Integrations
If you have a RescueTime account you can connect it to TaoTime. TaoTime then extracts your daily stats, like how many hours you spent on entertainment etc.
- Get the API key from your RescueTime API settings
LastFM integration
Create a account and connect your Spotify to it. That way you will be able to get advanced stats about your daily listening.
- How to enable scrobbling data from Spotify to Last.FM - Manual here.
- then get your API information here and use them in the configuratiokn file
CSFD is a czech and slovak movie database. TaoTime does not support IMDB, so use this option only if you use the CSFD. It will download your daily stats of movies you watched.
- Use the username where xxx is the username.
If you want to see how many and which games you play each day, provide your Steam username. TaoTime will the download the data for the past day. You need a public profile for this, otherwise the games you played today will not be visible
- use the username following the address
Open Weather Map
TaoTime can also track weather stats.
- Get your api key here
- Specify your GPS latitude and longitude (you can find that on google maps)
You can also track your GitHub push events. Those happen each time you commit something or update something (like an issue or pull request).
- Get your github_api_key_read_pushevents
- if you have github you know how to get the proper API key with the proper permissions
Google Fit
If you want to track your steps and meditation minutes, you can. Steps are implicit in google fit, but meditation depends on the app. If you are using something like Calm or Headspace, you need to connect that to your Google Fit. It will then aggregate the meditation data.
- Getting API values for Google Fit is a bit complex, manual here
Main music tracking happens in the Last.FM section, but Spotify API is needed to classify your music into classes and get stats about it. This way you can see the average tempo, speechiness etc. of your daily songs. This is used for tracking the characteristics of the top 3 songs you listened today, that is downloaded from your - so yeah, you need lastfm first. Getting Spotify API keys is easy:
- Create an app here
- Get api key and secret for it.
Internal configuration
This controls if the grid view shows archetype images or album covers of most listened to song of that day, taken from Last.FM.
- Options: "archetypes" or "lastfm"
Try not to change this, it contains links to the CC licensed archetype images that show on the grid note view and on individual notes as the archetype of the day.
Also try not to mess around with this, only if you know what you are doing. It holds the CND links to various JS scripts, CSS and fonts used in the app.
You can specify a date here. The countdown on the index page will then countdown to this date. I use this to scare myself into action and stopping procrastination. Our time here is limited. Live immediately.
Shows or hides the countdown on the main page
- Options: "0" or "1"
Show or hide the quotes on the main page.
- Options: "0" or "1"
TaoTime can run as a server without GUI. If you run it that way, you can connect to and work with it from your browser. Default option is a GUI PyQt app.
- Options: "0" or "1"
Show or hide console output. Can cause bugs in some cases. Use with caution.
- Options: "0" or "1"
Config file
{"rt" : "rescue_time_api_key","lastfm" : {"key" : "...","secret" : "...","user" : "...",},"csfd" : {"username" : "...-....","comment" : ""},"steam" : {"username" : "...-....",},"openweathermap" : "api key here...","lat" : "50.753194","lon" : "14.606278","githubPAT" : "github_api_key_read_pushevents API key","google" : {"client_id" : "...","client_secret" : "...","refresh_token" : "...","access_token": "...","scope": "","expires_in": "3599","token_type": "Bearer"},"spotify" : {"client_id" : "...","secret" : "..."},"notes_grid_view_images" : "archetypes","arch_images" : {...},"cdn_urls" : {...},"productive_life" : {"year" : "2044","month" : "01","day" : "01",},"show_countdown" : "1","show_quotes" : "1","server_only" : "0","noconsole" : "1"}